WARNING: This product contains nicotine.
Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

Dear Valued Customers,

It has been a pleasure providing you with Sapphyre Nicotine over the past several years. Unfortunately, due to the amendments made to the Pact Act we are no longer able to ship our Sapphyre Nicotine products directly to our customers. That being said, we will be working closely with our partnered distributors to ensure that our Sapphyre Nicotine products will be available to all of our wholesale and retail customers.

Please contact Mattie at m.pace@midwestvapesupply.com with any questions or distributor recommendations.

We thank you for your continued support during this transition and look forward to continuing to provide you with best nicotine additive on the market.

All of us at Midwest Vape Supply & Sapphyre Nicotine

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The Authorize.Net Payment Gateway manages the complex routing of sensitive customer information through the electronic check and credit card processing networks. See an online payments diagram to see how it works.

 The company adheres to strict industry standards for payment processing, including:

·         128-bit Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology for secure Internet Protocol (IP) transactions.

·         Industry leading encryption hardware and software methods and security protocols to protect customer information.

·         Compliance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS).

For additional information regarding the privacy of your sensitive cardholder data, please read the MailScanner has detected a possible fraud attempt from "www.authorize.net" claiming to be Authorize.Net Privacy Policy.

SapphyreCigs.com is registered with the Authorize.Net Verified Merchant Seal program.
